Why Your Business Needs a Blog

While a business blog requires a commitment of time and resources, the returns can be well worth the investment. If you’re thinking about taking the plunge into business blogging, here are two primary reasons why your company needs a blog:

1. Blogs help you get found by potential customers.

Search engines, like Google, love blogs. They rank content based on a number of factors, and blogs are perfectly suited for the task for a number of reasons:

Search engines like fresh content.

Unfortunately, many business websites are essentially static online brochures that are rarely updated. A business blog gives you an avenue to regularly add fresh content to your site.

Similarly, the more posts you have, the more pages you have available for search engines to rank and display.

Search engines like keywords.

Every business blog post is a chance to focus on a specific, long-tail keyword that your potential customers might use when searching for your products or services.

Search engines like authoritative, credible sites.

The way search engines can tell a site is credible is by seeing that other sites are linking to it. Other websites will often link to your business blog if you are known for providing useful, interesting content.

2. Blogs give your company a platform.

Your business blog is like your company’s face to the world. More personal than a corporate website, it can humanize your business and prompt significantly more engagement with your brand.

Blogs demonstrate your expertise.

You want to be seen as a thought-leader and expert in your field. Your business blog is the place to demonstrate your expertise.

It gives you an opportunity to solve problems for customers and build trust within the community. Potential customers can clearly see your skill and knowledge, giving them confidence to do business with your company.

Blogs are a public relations vehicle.

Blogs are also a chance to take part in conversations about your brand. Should a public relations incident occur, positive or negative, you now have a platform to offer your perspective. If you do not begin sharing your own voice now, other sources of information will rise to the forefront, and you won’t get input in the conversation.

Blogs encourage engagement.

Finally, blogs are a platform to invite readers to further engage with your brand. You can offer additional content like webinars, white papers and consultations to get prospects into the sales process.

Business Blog Benefits

Blogging for business is about helping prospective customers find your company, qualify you as an expert in your industry, then enter the sales process. It’s an opportunity no company can afford to pass up.

Let's Hear It

Does your business have a blog? What advice do you have for other businesses considering starting one? What holds you back from starting a business blog?

Tell us on Twitter @landslidecrtv.