The Washington Institute

Web Design & Development

The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture shares insightful content from thought leaders on the topics that shape our world. We helped them design and develop a website that could organize a large volume of articles and educational material while providing a tranquil experience for visitors.

Thoughtful Design

The website design allows publishers to feature large, dramatic images that set a carefully curated tone.

A color-coding system for categories carries throughout the site to help users quickly recognize the different topical areas. The colors are pulled from the organization’s visual branding system for continuity with other materials and promotions. Combing a serif font for headlines and a sans-serif font for article content gives the site a sophisticated but modern feel.

Intuitive Navigation

Because website visitors would be interested in browsing the site’s content by both topic and author, we created a navigation system that provides both options. Using a full page overlay for the desktop navigation system gave us ample real estate to feature primary topics and the most prominent authors, as well as featured resources.

Natalie Burchfiel, The Washington Institute

"I depend on Landslide for more than just beautiful graphics - their team brings helpful, relevant insights that take our projects to the next level. Plus, they're just a lot of fun to work with! I can't recommend them highly enough."

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